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Обращение президента WKF Антонио Эспиноса по поводу ПЛ в Москве

Накануне проведения Премьер-лиги Каратэ1 в Москве глава Всемирной федерации каратэ Антонио Эспинос обратился ко всем ее участникам и болельщикам, в котором особо отметил заслуги Федерации каратэ России и лично ее президента Сергея Цоя за огромный вклад в развитие мирового каратэ. Также г-н Эспинос выразил уверенность, что турнир в Москве будет иметь огромный успех, как это произошло на первенстве Европы 2018 года в Сочи.


All the members of the Karate family will be looking forward to one of the most anticipated events of the year, the Karate 1-Premier League Moscow. As the season is coming to an end and the race to qualify to the Olympic Games is getting more and more exciting, all of us enthusiasts of the sport are avid to experience first-class Karate in the splendid Megasport Arena in the Russian capital.

This tournament not only offers a unique opportunity to see all the best karatekas in action; it will be an exceptional showcase of the magnificence of our events. As it happened last year at the 2018 EKF Cadet, Junior & U21 Championships in Sochi, I am sure that the event in Moscow will be a huge success. Over the last years, all major Karate tournaments in Russia have been the perfect representation of the sporting spirit and the popular acceptance of our sport, with Karate fans from Russia showing unparalleled passion for our discipline.

For these reasons, as well as for their efforts to host the anticipated 2019 Karate 1-Premier League Moscow, and for their remarkable contribution to the expansion of Karate, I want to thank the Russian Karate Federation and its president Mr Sergey Tsoy. I am convinced that with their cooperation we will continue taking Karate to new levels of excellence.

Best of luck to all the participants and organisers and a big «Oss» to all of you Karate fans.

Antonio Espinós

WKF President
